$10 million in grants on offer for NSW Crown reserves
Now open – close 22 November 2024.
Submissions to the Statutory Review of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (CLM Act) have closed. AgShows NSW with support from Seftons put in a submission on behalf of Shows which operate on Crown land. The review report will be tabled in parliament before the 1 July 2024.
Submission Summary
View the two page submission summary.
AgShows NSW focused on seven key ‘macro’ issues which we considered critical to address as part of the review. We also sought to demonstrate not only that there is immense value to the NSW government in shows being strategically considered alongside the CLM Act, but that it is essential that the Act better enables show societies to protect shows, showgrounds and consequently the contribution that shows are making to regional and rural communities and economies.
AgShows NSW is seeking the CLM Act to:
1. Recognise the cultural and historical significance of shows.
2. Define showgrounds as a mechanism to address other issues of complexity and lack of clarity in decision-making.
3. Provide secure and longer-term tenure to show societies to ensure they are equipped with the confidence to plan and invest as necessary for the ongoing viability of country shows.
4. Set clear, simple and easy to use licensing agreements to cut red-tape for show organisers.
5. Be attune to and cater for the volunteers who are, by and large, responsible for navigating the CLM Act and its processes for shows.
6. Enable and empower greater investment and accountability for showground infrastructure.
7. Enshrine a mediation and/or issue resolution process.
Please feel free to download the submission and provide it to your local member of Parliament.
If you would like to hand a bound and printed copy of the submission to your local member of Parliament, please provide your details via this link.
A big thank you to all the show societies which completed their own submission to the review and also to those who completed the Showground survey. The information and stories provided has added weight to our submission.
It’s not too late to complete the survey if you haven’t already done so. Even though the review is closed, AgShows NSW meets with Crown lands regularly. It will take 15 minutes of your time.
Is your Show on Crown Lands? If yes, all Non-Council Land Managers and common trusts have a code of conduct to comply with. Click here for the code of conduct.
If you have an issue you should firstly refer to this document to assess if the code is being breached, then contact the AgShows NSW office so we are aware of your issue and can discuss it at one of our regular meetings with Crown Lands.